Must not collect erasers, must not collect erasers, must not collect erasers, must not collect erasers, …it’s a constant struggle.
I’m kind of surprised at how much design and marketing effort seems to go into erasers these days.
Here’s three.

Faber-Castell 82-182410 Sleeve eraser. I like the idea of the swivelling sleeve and fine edge, but I guess even with care the edge wouldn’t last all that long. The eraser case is about 70mm long x 33mm wide (2 ¾ x 1 ¼ in).

Maped Zenova eraser. One half of the circular case slides around into the other to expose the eraser. The edge is reasonably fine, and the whole eraser also turns around the centre axle. The case is about 50mm (2 in) diameter.

Edge comparison of F-C and Maped.

Stabilo Exam Grade 1191 eraser. I quite like black erasers. This one is quite small, 22 x 10mm x 40mm long.

The whole “exam grade” concept seems popular with Asian stationery products. Probably reflects how much more seriously most Asian countries seem to take their schooling compared to many Western countries. The artwork on the sleeve and the wording show Stabilo specifically market this eraser for use with those machine read multi-choice exam bubble sheets.

Lastly, a fourth. An oldie. Eberhard Faber (USA) Comet 1087. Thin eraser wheel and synthetic (nylon?) brush. Of course the eraser is good and hard these days, but I’m not sure what it was originally intended for. Could have been for ink and/or draughting film. (Thanks Germ)
Nice photos. A couple of notes -
Eraser four is a "typewriter eraser", used before the miracle called Liquid Paper came on the scene!
That "Exam Grade" eraser corresponds with a pencil from Stabilo.
There is a 14 foot tall scupture version of the typewriter eraser in Washington DC (also one in Washington State. put "Typewriter Eraser -Scale X" in your favorite search engine.
And if you think collecting erasers is a potential problem, try typewriters ;-)
Eberhard Faber (USA) Comet 1087—definitely a typewriter eraser. Er, you know, not that I ever used typewriter erasers as I'm much too young to have a Royal Sabre manual typewriter in my closet . . .
I forgot I sent that one to you Dave. I'm glad it has gotten some thought and consideration. :) Would have ben thrown away if i hadn't thrown it in the box.
Thanks for all the information about the typewriter eraser - I've only used a typewriter a couple of times, and never heard of a typewriter eraser before.
Thanks for feeding the habit Germ.
Is the Maped of decent quality? I have always seen them as being a cheap alternative to some of the bigger brands. Maybe I'm wrong since this opinion is only based on pure prejudice.
Hi Jean-Bernard. Sorry, i can't answer about the Maped. The one pictured is my one and only Maped eraser and I've never used it. Maybe someone else will offer an opinion, or perhaps you could try Joy of Erasers blog.
I found the Maped Zenoa to perform reasonably well for the price and even included them in artist kits I prepared for my niece and nephew. I blogged about it back in July 30, 2007. The protective sleeve does a fine job keeping it clean especially in pencil cases loaded with assorted uncapped drawing pencils. Still, I currently prefer to carry a Pilot Foam Eraser and a Uni-ball Boxy Eraser in my current sketching kit.
Thank you, maybe I'll give it a try next time I need an eraser.
Hi, Dave
I´m from Brazil and i don´t buy a
Pilot 2020 Rocky model.
You can help me?
Thanks for your blog.
Hi Dave, I'll wager it won't belong before you succumb to the allure of erasers; this is an easy bet because you're already writing about them on your blog. I quite agree, black is the new black. Black erasers are so ineffably cool. Here in the States I've only managed to acquire Papermate's Black Pearl, Mitsubishi's Boxy, and the 'Magic' Black 18 by Factis. The Boxy and the Factis are very soft. The Black Pearl is hard. All three perform excellently.
I really like the looks of the Maped Zenova, and the Faber-Castell Wave Eraser as well. I know where to buy the F-C, but have never seen the Maped offered for sale--I'll have to do a web search. The Stabilo Exam Grade's texture resembles the texture of the Factis 'Magic' Black. I want a Stabilo too!
Hey, why don't you ever show the objects you blog about backdropped against a photo of a fat guy with copious back hair? Why must it always be some slinky Givenchy model? On second thought, the question answers itself. Nevermind :>))).
Barrel Of A Pencil
@BOAP - Try here:
I'm not sure where you are located, but I do know they ship to the U.S.A.
BOAP - well I'll try to find a more suitable background model for a future posting. Keep your eyes ready. Email me your address and I'll send you a Stabilo.
Marco Bona - sorry, my Rocky 2020 was a gift so don't know where to buy them. Perhaps Bundoki or Japan eBay.
"my one and only Maped eraser and I've never used it"
Huh, what's going on here? Is this the same kiwi-d who likes to put gear through the paces, in the wetlands, on the factory floor, etc. writing this?
Well it would appear that I have some level of willpower and resistance when it comes to erasers. :-)
It's great to see some erasers here! I have currently looked deeper into these accessories again and was repeatedly suprised about what can be discovered. - By the way: "I must not collect erasers" just doesn't work for me but I am not the classic example of willpower (to put it mildly).
Javier, thanks for the information.
Dave, I'll keep my eyes peeled! I can't wait to see what you come up with :>))).
Dave, the black Stabilo Exam Grade 1891 eraser is outstanding! I have thus far used it on copy machine paper and the coarse low-grade paper which the puzzle syndicators use and it performs as well as any eraser I own. For instance, using some old Pentel 4B lead in a newly acquired Pentel e.Clic 0.5 mm MP, I laid down as dark a patch as I could manage on printer paper and the Stabilo erased it faultlessly--I was hard pressed to find any remnant of lead on this paper. There was perhaps the faintest smudge where the graphite had been. I haven't done an eraser-to-eraser comparison, but if memory serves the Stabilo's composition is very like the Factis Black 18 and Mitsubishi's Boxy. The Boxy is a tad softer than the other two in my opinion.
Thanks for sending these to me to try out!
Barrel Of A Pencil
I am another one who is currently enjoying a Stabilo Exam Grade eraser (also with soft lead, namely Pilot Eno NeoX 2B and Pentel Ain 3B). This eraser is excellent and (together with the Mitsubishi Boxy) much better than all the other black erasers I am testing at the moment. – Does somebody know an online retailer for the Factis Black 18? I can't find that one in Germany.
We need an international eraser exchange! :-)
Has anyone tried Faber-Castell's black eraser?
I would be very happy if I could join that international eraser exchange network ;-)
I am using the black Faber-Castell eraser currently, along with some other black ones like the Mitsubishi Boxy, one from Muji etc. (it's an attempt to collect information for a "black eraser comparison" posting on my blog). The Faber-Castell is quite hard but definitely one of the better ones. Its shape is unusual since the edges are beveled. The sleeve indicates: "Comfort edge. Added comfort for erasing", as the sleeve indicates - maybe the marketing department should not eat the erasers ;-)
Yes Stephen is right. Gunther, I would be happy if you could join such a network (because then I could join too :>))).
Barrel Of A Pencil
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