Top 10 Mechanical Pencils for General Writing and Office Use
aka...The Best Mechanical Pencil?
Top 10
The Top 10 are in alphabetical order, apart for the first two pencils. When compiling the Top 10, the first two mechanical pencils were clearly far ahead of the rest of the pack, they were arguably the best mechanical pencils for general writing and office type work, and deserved to be placed at the head of the list, but after them, the others are all in alphabetical order.
Pentel Sharp P200 (P203/5/7/9)
Pentel Sharp Kerry (P1035/7)
Lamy 2000
Parker Jotter
Pentel Graph Gear 1000
Pentel Techniclick
Pilot Shaker H-245
Staedtler Graphite 777
Staedtler 925 25
Uni Kuru Toga
The Top 10 - In Order As Listed Above - L to R

Also Worth A Look
Rotring Tikky
Staedtler Triplus Micro (774)
For Those Who Like 2mm Leadholder / Clutch Pencils
Caran d'Ache Fixpencil 77 2mm leadholder
and don't forget the Staedtler 925 25 has a 2.0mm option.
and don't forget the Staedtler 925 25 has a 2.0mm option.
And Finally An Extra One For The Rich Folk To Consider
Caran d’Ache Ecridor
ALL mechanical pencils were considered eligible for the Top10, and you will note that quite a few drafting style mechanical pencils made it into both the Top 10 General and the Top 10 Drafting Pencils list. The best of both worlds? Note also that some of the pencils have various different versions e.g. Techniclick has several versions, Kuru Toga has normal and high grade, etc, but these have not been differentiated.
This list, ‘The Top 10 Mechanical Pencils for General Use’ was created in March 2010. An invited group of 18 mechanical pencil people from 16 different countries nominated their candidates for the Top 10. This initial list of approximately 80 different mechanical pencils was then pared down to 16 finalists which were voted on to produce the final list.