I've been struggling a bit this year,
Marie Kondo constantly whispering in my ear, telling me to get rid of all sorts of stuff, including from the MP collection. The collection peaked at 741 pencils early this year, and is now down in the mid 500's, despite adding in about 50 this year. Also that reduction doesn't include the ephemera and wooden pencils that are also now gone. Anyway, getting rid of that 200 or so mechanical pencils was the easy stuff - duplicates, things I didn't really like, etc but now its getting harder, and I still haven't really got any firm idea on what I should or shouldn't keep other than, "Does it float my boat?... or "spark joy" in KonMari speak.
So, having got rid of the easy and obvious stuff I recently decided it was time to start Round 2 and have another look through the collection and start making some harder calls. The Pentel section was first up. I expected to get rid of a bunch of pencils, but instead I had a
epiphany Penteliphany.
0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm... and another 0.5mm :) |
Some awesome sets - Excaliburs, SG's, PS's.... CIL's, Bats... I am renewed and reinvigorated :)
Beautiful Stuff!!
2nd picture, top pencil. Is that a two tone?
Hi George
Second picture, items are (top to bottom), Excalibur in gold, R7 + SG75 pen/pencil set in pinstripe on gold, SG65 in gold.
The top pencil (Excalibur) is all gold, but the body is matt whilst tip, centre ring, top button and clip are gloss, so two tone gold on gold if you like.
Actually shouldn't have said matt, it is satin.
There's only one person able to extract the Excalibur from its case!
Beautiful items and beautiful pictures as always, King Dave :)
I understand it's getting harder and harder to try to free up more space!
How about keeping the pencils and chucking out the lifestyle books? You'll feel much happier.
Haha, yes, Kondo the Kondo book :)
always send me pentel. i still have a small collection. :)
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