Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Dave Turns Five Giveaway 2

This giveaway is now closed - Viperman was the winner.

For When You Need Some Ink

This is Dave Turns Five Giveaway No.2. It’s a slightly strange thing to be giving away a ballpoint pen on a mechanical blog, but whilst the mechanical pencil is mightier man cannot write by pencil alone. The permanence of ink does have its place, however limited, and if you are going to sign your life away in ink you may as well do it with a bit of style.

Therefor today we have a giveaway where the winner gets to make a choice. They can choose to win either the Parker Urban ballpoint pen in “lacquered magenta with chrome trims” OR they can choose the Faber-Castell E-Motion Pen-Pencil set in “maplewood with black plastic”.

These pictures are of the actual giveaway items.

To enter this giveaway you simply leave a comment here on this posting. Any comment will do. You do not have to state your preferred prize; you can make your choice after winning.

This giveaway will remain open for 5 days, after which the winner will be chosen at random, and announced here on this post, so check back in to claim your prize. If you don’t claim your prize within a couple of days then a runner-up will be chosen to replace you.

The Fine Print
This giveaway is open to all readers, but registered readers will have an extra chance in the draw. (Don't ask how that works, just trust me.) Both the Parker Urban and Faber-Castell E-Motion set are new unused from my collection, so this giveaway is at my expense.

Only 1 comment per person. Extra comments will be deleted. If you want to ask any questions, start some discussion, etc then please use the Guestbook, or email me direct. If you somehow botch your comment and need to delete it, then whilst signed in you should be able to click the trashcan beside it and then start again from scratch. If you can’t then email me and I should be able to do it for you.

Having trouble commenting? Make sure your browser security settings, esp. with Firefox, are set to allow third-party cookies. Still got trouble? Email me and we'll work on Plan B.


Unknown said...

Great giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Giveaway #2 - my second attempt :)

b said...

Awesome giveaway, thanks!

Long live the resistance said...

This is a great giveaway and both pens are worth owning. The Urban has a nice weight to it and the Faber set is...well, with the thick lead in the pencil, just great with which to write.

Ethereal Winter Wind said...

You're too kind with these give-aways.

Max said...

Well, ball pens have their place too :) Couldn't live without them!

Thanks!! And good luck all!

D. Sternberg said...

Thank you very much for offering these giveaways! I appreciate it, even if I don't win.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!~


Anonymous said...

I've been reading for 4 of these 5 years and have bought many, many pencils based on Dave's reviews. Count me in as well!

scrappE said...

Beautiful writing tools. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

I already own the Faber Castell e-motion pencil.
With it's 1.4mm lead it is fun to write a little bigger.

T.T.J. said...

Nice writing tools!

Dwscamel said...


AndersT said...

I just love the Faber-Castell's. They'll look really good on my desk! Happy anniversary!!

Pierre said...

I like the pen

Anonymous said...

Both pens are cool. Parker looks elegant as always and Faber-Castell ones look more like for outdoor. Count me in!

ThirdeYe said...

I'm in again, although I doubt lightning will strike twice. :)

Dangold said...

Beautiful pictures! Hope it's my lucky day today.

Andreas AS said...

i'm in!! Faber-Castell's fan..! :)

Eric Peel said...

Ready for round 2!

Abhi S. said...

I'm in! Thanks for the giveaway!

Davide said...

Hi Dave,
Davide's from Italy here.
I'm a huge fan of Faber Castell...

Joe said...

Hello Dave,
Count me in. Thanks.

My Supply Room said...

They would make a fine addition to the collection.

Anonymous said...

I've only just started reading this site, but it got me to get a Kerry in a hurry. So thanks for the reviews!

B2-kun said...

Cool beans, I'm in too!

Arisu said...

Yay! Count me in. =)

MJD said...

Count me in too. Love your blog

Jack said...

Count me in as well! =D

KA said...

Oh cool we get a choice!

Jim Martin said...

Jim, I always wonder what and where are the background photos from and why?

Kiwi-d said...

Jim - the images are mostly magazines and books hanging around the house. I figure a background is usually better than none. Sometimes, like this time, the backgrounds are unconnected to the subject, but often there is a connection...well at least in my mind :-)
If I am feeling really virtuous I load title text for the images so if you mouse hover over you will see whatever I wrote.

double epsilon said...

Love the blog, nice to know I'm not the only person with an appreciation for a good pencil.

Filippo P said...

Congratulation for your blog Dave. Just a question... Why a giveaway?

Dan Shechter Gelles said...

Great blog

Sirpa-Kaarina said...

I love love love that Parker. I bought my first Parker fountain pen for over 30 years ago and it is still as good as new.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...



Atticus said...

The Faber Castell set looks great :)

Anonymous said...

For all who think just that too (and they are right) look at the e-motion design-line without plastic

shirley said...

This is a wonderful and generous giveaway. They are beautiful, but I think I would choose the pink.

private said...

The Faber-Castell set looks pretty sweet. Very kind of you to have these giveaways. Please throw my name in the hat.

Vikram said...

Hey Dave. Try #2!
Hope I win.

Sara said...

How very generous :) Please count me in!
Thanks for the chance ^^

horsecore said...

You're much too generous Dave! Count me in for the loot giveaway! ;-) Thanks for the incredibly addicting site as well! :-P

Sharon A. said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Mr. Pencils said...

Hi Dave,

Please, count me in! I really want one of those beautiful F-C pens. I'm so jealous of my friends in possession of this never-to-be-seen-in-Canada pens! Thanks for being so benign and liberal!

Brent said...

Would love a chance to have one of these...

Bored_ said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this! That parker would be a sweet win!

Oliver said...

I'm in

dzyner said...

The Faber-Castell set looks great. Thanks for the giveaways Dave !

Good luck all !

Julie said...

I would like to enter too, thanks again!

John said...

Count me in, Dave.

emc2 said...

Mmmm, those are some delicious writing instruments :)

Cameron Sun said...

I'll give it a try

Soungoulian said...

keeping my fingers crossed for the parker!

Unknown said...

Viva la Rover!

thomasdav said...

Excellent! I've been looking for a chance to try out those Fabers since I read your review!

Anonymous said...

Love the FC!!!!


bavenoglu said...

Great giveaways!

srwsb said...

Nice looking prizes, I've always been intrigued by the e-motions.

Speedmaster said...

Wow, I would LOVE to win a FC pencil! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog - lots of great info.

I found this site the other day while investigating what mech. pencil to buy.

Thanks for the open contest.

K. Mullert

Anonymous said...


Tajikaroo said...

Great giveaways, Dave!

Unknown said...

I'm in! (crossing fingers)

Anonymous said...

second attempt! Love the blog.

Eric W. said...

Count me in as well!!!

Unknown said...

slowly the days pass
i long for a mech pencil
while pens stare at me

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary, keep up your fine writing!

Unknown said...

Congratulations for the 5th Anniversary and thanks for the excellent reviews!

Unknown said...

I was doing some research on mechanical pencils and found this site. Never knew a site existed! Your reviews helped me in my purchase. Kudos!

Pilot Lover said...

The pink one looks more expensive...

Benoit D said...

I wonder how lucky this post will be...

razide said...

another contest another entry.

dana said...

Choose me, pick me, gimme :D

Unknown said...

Not sure how to register... so I'll go with reduced chances.. unless I'm already registered... lol

oh, and bought a graphgear 1000 yesterday... awesome! not my favorite, that would be the Lamy 2000, but it certainly is a nice piece of gear!


Armi said...

Sounds good to me.

Noxonomus said...

I love the fat wooden look of the Faber-Castell set, so distinctly different from most pencils.

Congratulations on five years and some of the best pencil reviews around.

Unknown said...

Those e-Motions are making my fingers twitch. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am in !


vejavi said...

Giveaway #2....

I am a new mechanical pencil collector..and I am happy I found this page.

..and if anyone knows about a good database program for a pencils collection, please share it with us.

gidgey said...


robert dunlap said...

I thought I was the only writing implement nut out there. There's this whole community, complete with Guru! Thanks for the giveaways and great citizenship.

Roy H said...

I'm in. Good luck to all


owenswain said...

Found the blog by searching Faber-Castell e-motion Pencils as I am wanting one. Well, a give-away, heck, gotta get in on that possible win. What a fortuitous search. Didn't see how to register with your blog, hoping being signed in with my Google/Blogger profile does the trick.

I've subscribed to the RSS, not just to see who wins but because this is a great looking blog.

hblanchard said...

Count me in. The Faber-Castells look like an old pair of Cross pens. However, I have a soft spot for all Parkers for some reason.

dclocker said...

Great site. Count me in on the drawing.


Viperman said...

Sweet!I just lost my GraphGear so I could use a pencil

Drew Schatt said...

I want one!

Anonymous said...

Can I has?

Arnold.DeRoy said...

Happy fifth birthday. Reverse gift giving.

Henrik said...

Only 8 more, then we have 100 comments. Great giveaway, thanks - but count me out, no room for more e- motions ;-).
regards Henrik

Anash said...

thanks for the giveaway! pls enter me to to win this fabulous prize ...
anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said...

These giveaways are awesome!

justelise said...

Yay for giveaways!

Sid Pools said...

Dave, count me in!

Tiffany :D:D:D said...

Such nice giveaways. I hope I have a chance at winning that Faber-Castell!

Unknown said...

Im in. Great giveaway, thanks Dave.

Francis said...

100th comment cherry popper.

You know, when you do these giveaways it may help to give people a prompt upon which your fans can base their comments on, otherwise you'll get these random or awkward responses.

Marco Lau said...

Great contest, thanks :)

Unknown said...

I like Faber-Castell pencils.(and your previews)
---rhymebrick from Taiwan