Caran d’Ache Ecridor Artiste FixpencilNow I like to think that I’m without pencil-prejudice or snobbery, but equally it’s true that I am partial to many a so-called luxury brand pencil. So, I was downstairs re-arranging the collection, and …
Woo-hoo! The Caran d’Ache
Ecridor Rhodium Chevron
Fixpencil Artiste set. Now there’s a mouthful of a name if ever there was one. Actually you can find it called various related things, just mix and rearrange the words a bit.

So, the nice rosewood glass-topped presentation box contains a 2mm clutch pencil - the silver-plated rhodium coated, chevron pattern Ecridor Fixpencil.

You also get an eraser, a set of coloured leads and an art booklet.

The set of leads is one each of red, blue, green and yellow. Even better, they are actually aquarelles, or watercolour leads. So you use them like normal coloured leads, but also you can brush or wash them over with water to blend and create new colours. The little booklet tells you all about the various different techniques.

It appears though that I have some way to go before my first exhibition.

I also bought a set of ordinary graphite leads too.

The eraser is rather impressive. Far too good looking to actually use, so no idea how well it really works.

So, a great pencil. But let's just say the price is probably a bit outside the range of the average struggling young artist.
nice pencil, marginal art. :)
I dig the presentation box.
Presumably the next purchase has to be another three of them - changing leads every time you want a different colour sounds like far too much hard work.
Then one for each grade of graphite, I guess.
How do you expect me to sleep at night now that you have planted that thought in my mind? One pencil per colour, plus graphite. Come on, take pity on me.
Wow, this is a beauty - definitely on my wanted list.
that is one expensive leadholder
FWIW, Pentel's also had their PH158 for a couple of decades now, also alive and kicking at their online store.
Their selection of (eight) colours has led me to wonder if anyone's used them for such purposes (if they're "artist quality?"), since they also appear to be perfectly functional as regular 2mm lead.
Just gotta love the CdA Ecridor line - beauty of a pencil. I'm partial to their XS Ecridor pens.
Hi ClickieChick
Tha ks for your comment, and you score serious points for a great pseudonym. Yep, the Ecridor is a top pencil. I don't have an XS, i guess Cd'A market it towards the ladies, particulary the verions with Swarovski crsytals, etc.
Yikes! - I just read my comment, talk about spelling mistakes!
Hi Dave!
Is the cap a leadsharpener on this pencil? :o
Louis - sorry, I don't recall, but I think so. It's in storage and difficult to get to at the moment so I can't check.
Louis - Cult Pens say the Fixpencils all have sharpeners in their caps; see here -
I see, thanks :)
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