Thursday, February 22, 2007
Unhappy Pencils
Living far far away in a corner of our round world, I often use that wonderful organisation, the postal service, and I recently noticed something interesting. Pencils and Bhutan do not mix! The International Post Guide (Oct 2004) notes that Bhutan has an import restriction on “Pencils, lead and propelling”. (Propelling pencil is the customs term for mechanical pencils). This would seem to imply that “pencils = unhappiness” in Bhutan, or at least “foreign pencils = unhappiness”. Maybe mechanical pencils are the root of all evil, or something like that? Maybe they are protecting some traditional domestic Bhutanese Himalayan pencil making industry. Who knows?!?
A little more digging also revealed that their neighbour, India, has the same import restriction, whereas Afghanistan restricts “Pencils, propelling” but not ordinary lead pencils, and Romania has some restrictions on “Propelling pencils” unless they are gifts. The rest of the world does not seem to take such a dim view of mechanical pencils and allows them free passage to spread their good or bad words around the globe. Though most countries will probably whack you for sales tax, import tax, carbon tax, form-filling out tax, bio-security tax, tax-tax, and any other tax they can dream up!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Help Desk?
I wonder if you can help me find a mechanical pencil I used about 10 years ago...It was called "Spike," but I don't recall the manufacturer. It used a 1.0mm lead, which was my singularly favorite feature. I seem to recall a twist-out eraser, like a Staedtler. It couldn't have been very expensive, either, and I must have bought it at a discount store like Wal-Mart. Does this ring any bells?
So, maybe someone out there might know the answer and might want to help. And any of you who cruise by every now and then and are in a generous, helpful frame of mind, might like to keep an eye on the Guestbook questions and give us the benefit of your knowledge.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Tombow Oceanic Mechanical Pencil Review

The front tip section is matt black plastic, then it becomes the roughened main body, then the “tail” section is black rubber except for the very end which is again the roughened body material. The push top ratchet lead advance mechanism is operated by simply pushing down the top of the tail. The rubber tail section compresses allowing the mechanism to work. There is a small eraser under the top, or rather the tail. It looks like it is a rubber compound eraser. The lead chamber came loaded with 6 leads, so no cheap penny pinching there.

The lead sleeve is short and shaped so this pencil is for writing only. No big surprise there. I would prefer that a longer length of lead was advanced with each activation of the mechanism. I had to keep clicking a lot more than normal. I think this is also a desk instrument only. The lead sleeve is not retractable and there is no pocket clip so its not really designed for carrying around. Since it’s big and round with no pocket clip it will roll around on your desktop. This pencil is designed to look good, at the expense of a little utility.
The only markings on the pencil are “Tombow”, the Oceanic symbol, and “Japan” in light lettering on the centre of the body. My Oceanic is a 0.5mm lead model (SH-ZLF11), and came in a nice but simple presentation tin, inside a lightweight black embossed cardboard package.

- Best Points – The roughened surface finish and the overall “Oceanic” look.
- Not So Good Points – The rolling around.
- Price Range – Low.
Dimensions – Length 132mm, diameter 20mm at widest part. Balance point about 65mm up from the tip.
Footnote: As a rule of thumb I’m only reviewing pencils that are currently available, but since the Oceanic isn’t that obsolete and you can still find some new stock without too much effort, then ‘Why not?. Rules are made to be broken.”
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Cleo Skribent Der Gessner Pencil Review
1565 is a big year for pencil people, for it was then that “De Rerum Fossilium Lapidum et Gemmarum Maxime, Figuris et Similitudinibus Liber” by Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner was published. In this great tome on fossils he included a sketch and brief description of a very useful new piece of equipment he had acquired, namely his pencil, and this is the very first record of a “modern pencil”, one that used graphite.

Personally I don’t think Cleo Skribent are particularly well known as a pencil manufacturer, so by way of brief introduction, they are a German writing instrument manufacturer and for Der Gessner they emphasise their efforts to ensure the pencil is handmade to the highest standards in the tradition of the master artisan, and the German tradition of quality manufacture. They offer several different options for Der Gessner – for example in a hessian pouch, in a leather pouch, or a complete pencil set including knife, leads, etc all in a very interesting looking wooden box.

How does Der Gessner feel in the hand? For a such a large pencil its surprisingly lightweight. It’s quite a thick bodied pencil, actually a little too thick for me personally. To be honest, I have a touch of OOS/RSI/Carpal Tunnel and it was playing up, so that could be clouding my judgement. Anyway, like I say, I think I would have preferred a slightly thinner body. There is no special grip section or enhancements, but you don’t really need any with this pencil. It’s interesting to have the feel of wood beneath your fingers. I did find the flared lip at the base quite useful for positioning my fingers.
The body is perfectly round and there is no pocket clip so it will roll around on your desk when you put it down, which can get a bit annoying. Now I’m normally not that impressed with the erasers on most mechanical pencils, and Der Gessner has no eraser at all. I did wonder though if they hadn’t missed an opportunity to put one somewhere. Perhaps make the top knob a pull off one with an eraser underneath. But then I suppose that would be not be staying true to the original design.

Whoa! 5.6mm lead! Remember, way down deep, I’m a guy who still sort of thinks of 0.7mm as thick lead. So 5.6mm?!? Well, I didn’t bother trying to do any really fine writing on small font computer print outs, etc. I confined myself to more general writing. If you keep rotating the pencil then you can keep a reasonably sharp point on the lead for a period of time. The plain round body of Der Gessner assists with this. I tried sharpening the lead with a knife, but then thought I’d try an ordinary pencil sharpener. This initially took a little bit of effort, but once you’ve got the hang of it, it’s quite successful. It also puts a reasonably long tapering point on the lead.

Well, that’s about it from me. I salute Cleo Skribent for creating this pencil. I’m glad to own it, and I think that if you are a pencil collector then you have to consider getting a Der Gessner, because basically this is where it all started.
- Best Points & Not So Good Points – As this is a piece of history, it doesn’t seem right to list “Best Points” and “Not So Good Points” from a modern perspective. I think a fellow Der Gessner owner summed it up best when he said his pencil was “…lovable, impractical and a good writer. And it draws attention at meetings.” [H.N.]
- Price Range – Mid to High depending on the option you choose.

Part Two
Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) is an important figure in scientific history, particularly the natural sciences, and is sometimes referred to as “the founder” or “the father” of modern zoology. He was a great field naturalist and loved hiking in the mountains, both for study and for enjoyment. Now, I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to compare myself to Conrad Gessner, but if you have read this blog for a while you will probably be aware that I am a little bit of a part time-time field naturalist myself, and so as part of the review of this pencil I thought I should take “Der Gessner” out into the field, just as the great man himself would have done all those centuries ago. So, how does Der Gessner stack up against a modern pencil like the Lamy Scribble that I usually carry out in the field? Well, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised; time and technology has marched on since Conrad Gessner’s day, and there’s no real contest between Scribble and Der Gessner. To me, Scribble wins hands down. Der Gessner has no pocket clip although you could tie a string to the knob on top and attach it to a notebook. There is no eraser, it’s quite a large pencil so not really pocket-sized, its perfectly round and so rolls on a flat surface (the wind nearly rolled it off a bridge when I put it down for a second), the lead is not easily retractable, the lead can slip out of the pencil body during transport and so on. Now this all sounds negative, but lets be perfectly clear here, I have no doubt that it was an absolutely stunning improvement on what field naturalists would have had before these pencils became available! Imagine carrying quill and bottled ink around outdoors and trying to quickly write a few notes! Or wax tablets and scriber. Compared to these, a piece of graphite in a wooden holder would have been a fantastic improvement. Talk about convenience! The “best thing sliced-bread”, but then they didn’t have sliced bread back then. Perhaps people said “The best thing since the pencil” when sliced-bread first came onto the market? I’d like to finish this on a positive note – I thoroughly enjoyed using Der Gessner outdoors for a day, it was a great little emotional link to the past, giving me a real sense of history. Get yourself one soon.

Monday, February 05, 2007
Clutch Pencils

I have some sort of a like-dislike thing going on with clutch pencils. Perhaps it’s because of my early association of them with a scary incident? I want to like them more, but I just don’t. On the other hand, I’ve always been rather intrigued by the leads and their packaging.
These days clutch pencils are obviously completely out-sold by ‘ordinary’ thin-lead mechanical pencils. I’m no expert, but as far as I can figure it out, "thin-leads" started to become available in the late 1950’s, early 1960’s. I think they had improved in strength and become commonplace by the mid-1970’s. From a few old sales catalogues and adverts that I’ve looked at, in the late 1950’s and early 60’s you often see 0.9mm (0.036”) lead called Real Thin lead and 1.18mm (0.046”) called Standard lead. By the early 1970’s there are Ultra-Thin or Super-Thin 0.5mm (0.020”) leads, and by the 1980’s 0.5mm thin-lead mechanical pencils dominate the scene, so much so that they are often no longer referred to as Super-Thin leads, they’re just normal. Staedtlers website implies they released their Mars Micro thin leads in the 1970’s.
In the early 1980’s, I recall a tutor in my drawing class talking to us about what pencils to use. He suggested a couple of 0.5mm mechanicals, but also mentioned we could of course use traditional clutch pencils and sharpen the lead with sandpaper, or a little lead-pointer, but why bother? Then a little later when I was out in the workforce I remember that most of the older guys had a clutch pencil in the pencil holder on their desks, but they used thin-lead mechanical pencils. Their clutch pencil was sort of like “Old Favourite” they just couldn’t throw away, but didn’t actually use anymore.
I don’t really have a lot of clutch pencils, but somehow I am slowly ending up with a collection of leads. You can buy these leads for a few dollars on eBay, but then I live in a land far far away, so shipping often costs many times the price of the item. Not quite such a bargain. Anyway, here are a few pictures. Perhaps more to come in the future.

Footnote: Now if you really want to know about these types of clutch pencils or leadholders, then is the place for you. Its chock full of all sorts of interesting stuff, but be warned, there might be a few snippets of slightly PGR rated stuff, like a bad word or a picture of “Hot Hot Heidi” the Staedtler girl.