My Pages

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blog Holiday

Hello Folks

Well I write this with some trepidation, but my muse has deserted me. Gone. It happened around the time of my 5th Birthday celebrations. Suddenly it sort of hit me...5 years of nearly twice weekly blogging...I just sort of felt like I'd reached the finish line of the marathon, the race was over, I was drained. I have struggled on since then, but as is usual around this time of year I am soon going on vacation and would have put the blog on hold for a while anyway, so I think it's time to come clean and try taking an honest break from blogging for a while in the hope that a little RnR will recharge my batteries and that I'll be back as good as new in a couple of months or so. My interest in MP's is unaffected, just my ability to convert that into blogging.

I have got a couple of articles half started, so if a burst of enthusiasm strikes I may finish something and publish it, but in general don't expect to see anything new on this blog for the next 6 - 8 weeks or so. In a few days I will turn commenting off.

Thanks for reading this blog, and I hope you will continue to do so when I return.

Ka kite ano, and I'll see you in a while!


  1. Enjoy your well earned holiday and blog holiday!

  2. You do deserve a holiday! We'll be here when you return. :)

  3. Being what must be the newest MP addict here I can honestly's all you fault!! :) I have very much enjoyed reading all your writeups and reviews. They are very amusing and informative, and have helped me immensely in my quest to be a well informed wanna-be collector.... enjoy the time off, you've earned it.

    PS - just ordered a full set of P200 Pentels, P203 - P209, (yup I found a 203!) with leads. When my wife asked me what the H*** I was doing....I blamed you. :)

  4. FWIW - you have my humble thanks for blogging, offered from halfway around the world. I wish you a restful holiday.

  5. Best wishes. Enjoy the break!

  6. Thanks for pointing me towards some great writing instruments. (Just bought my first Pentel Kerry yesterday!) There's such a wealth of information here, I'll have plenty of reading material while you enjoy a much-deserved break. Enjoy!

  7. I mean if you get excited about pencil for a 5-6 period that is a job well done =) If you use pencils just for writing or if you use them for drafting or Drawing there is more behind them then just using them for writing.
    I mean your only going to get one type of line out of a pencil. ALot of it has to do with your brain and appreciation of the hobby.

  8. Have a nice break Dave, you deserve it. Enjoy the Rugby World Cup, maybe the All Blacks can do it this time.
    2 1/2p

  9. Hol' di stief!


  10. Thank you for the last five years! Enjoy the vacation.

  11. Disfruta tus merecidas vacaciones, saludos desde México.

  12. While comments are still on:
    Hold Fanen højt og krudtet tørt - det skal nok gå.
    (Hold the flag up high and keep the powder dry- it will all work out fine). Thanks you for the five years. Enjoy your vacation - hope to see you back in the blogosphere.
    kind regards

  13. Enjoy the break Dave! Maybe as a community we can step up and fill in and Dave could move into an editor role. There are still many pencils out there to be reviewed, described, and photographed on top of vivid photographs.

  14. Dave, have a good break. Try to enjoy the Rugby World Cup.

    Thanks for the information and entertainment over the past few years. My Mech Pencil collection expanded exponetially since reading your blog.

  15. Arne, I needed google translator for your post (altho I am German!) ;-)

    Maybe more an editor role is a possibility for the future -- but of course I don't know if this is what Dave wants to have here...

    For more open forms like a forum the critical mass of addicts seems to be not reached (the leadholder forum was empty for a long time, then hacked and now closed down).

  16. Ooops, forgot the 1st thing I wanted to write: Have a good blog holiday, Dave!

  17. Hey Dave
    Wish you a really calm and relaxed break!
    Your blog keep rocking for 5 years ! It's the reference for many MP lovers like us ! Never stop blogging !! You do such an important job !
    Have a great world cup of rugby !

    Greetings from Brazil !!!

  18. Well enjoy the break. Bud don't make it too long. I think many here will be waiting to hear of your purchases, you make on your hiatus.

  19. Thanks for your comments and good wishes.

    Just on the matter of a forum or publishing other articles. As a blog, this is technically unsuited to being a forum in the proper sense. As for publishing other peoples works, whilst this is primarily my blog for my publishing, I am always happy to receive and publish guest articles. I have published quite a few over the years, but something like one a month would be great if people feel inspired. It could something simple like just a few images or words, or a full review or article on something.You can click on the "Guest Post" label in the sidebar list of labels to see them.

    Anyway, comments are now closed. I'll be back before RWC kick-off :-)
