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Monday, November 05, 2007

NZ Rough Diary Eversharp Ad

This is another full page advertisement from my “NZ Rough Diary 1932”. It’s a great ad, one of my favourites. Click on the image to enlarge so you can read it yourself.

Check out the “perfect balance” of pencils “so scientifically constructed that they fall into writing position in the fingers without effort or fumbling”, the product of “specialised experimental laboratories”, yet even the simplest and plainest of these wondrous pencils are still designed by “artists”, far superior to us mere mortals. Read the tales of old in awe, for clearly the industry has gone backwards over the intervening decades.


  1. Thanks, Dave
    I really need one of these, scientifically designed and practically indestructible pencils, which fall into writing position without fumbling...
    Pity, they are discontinued
    These advertisments makes me long for the good old days, when things kept getting better.
    Thank you for sharing

  2. This advertisement makes me wonder how the actual mechanical pencils are made and how much work goes into designing them. I guess we live the days of form over function desingns.
    Thank you Dave...
