My Pages

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon 2000 Artois

Its quick, rough and not that good, but it's the first time I've been inspired to put pencil to paper in about a year, so I thought blogging it might help keep me going.


  1. That Lamy 2000 is nice, do you have one?

  2. Beer and pencils! Are you drawing my biography Dave?

    Barrel Of A Pencil

  3. Jean-Bernard - yes, I own all the objects in that drawing.

  4. The essence of fulfilment in life :)

  5. so, you drew a pencil. kinda original. I like it. And i still have the hiccups from last nite. grr........

  6. what is the new zealand national Beer

  7. Well we are effectively dominated by 2 breweries. First is Lion, who ventured across the ditch and took over much of Australia and then got taken over by Kirin of Japan. They probably can claim the two most well known brands, Steinlager and Lion Red. Second is Dominion Breweries who were taken over by Heineken.

  8. hey dave
    you know at the top of your blog displayed is the previous 5 comments. I was wondering how could i get the previous 5 comments thing on my blog

  9. Its one of the gadgets you can add via Blogger. Sorry, I can't recall its name, etc so you'll have to do some searching.
